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Saturday, October 25, 2008

Hey, Todd Palin! Are You the Next American Supermodel?

Sarah Palin Frightening Prospect Paste-UpsImage by SliceofNYC via FlickrFor Immediate Release
Contact Barry Samuels

Caribaya Rums

Big Apple Communications




Dear Todd:

I would like to take this opportunity to express my congratulations on being the nation’s “newest hottie.” We at Caribaya Rums are searching for a product supermodel to be placed on billboards and ads across the nation.

We would like to make an offer to you about representing our rum products. We at Caribaya Rums think that you would become a sex symbol to the millions of women that enjoy our product, as well as become the new face in the advertising world. Even though you live in the land of cold, we are sure that you would melt the tons of hearts that see this ad.

Celebrities and politicians provide the best exposure for product sales. Look what former U.S. Senate Majority Leader Bob Dole did for Viagra. If your wife moves to Washington , you might be looking for a new job. Our ads appear on the back of every New York City bus.

Since our product comes from the tropical islands, our Madison Avenue team feels that a possible ad can have you revealing your bare chest, dressed in Hawaiian boxer shorts, surrounded by our rum.

Thank you for your anticipated review of this request. Should you accept an offer from us we know that Alaska ’s “first dude” will be the most popular spouse in the world.


Martin Silver. President and CEO
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Missed It: Sarah Palin Debate Flow Chart

How to exceed debate expectations if you're the governor of Alaska.

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Friday, October 24, 2008

Hugh Hewitt's How Sarah Palin Won the Election ... and Saved America Does Not As Yet Have a Publisher (New York Observer)

NEW YORK - SEPTEMBER 25:  Republican vice-pres...Image by Getty Images via Daylife by Leon Neyfakh
October 8, 2008
The New York Observer

In the paper today we talked to some publishing people about why more reporters out on the campaign trail aren't working on books about the election—and why the handful who are doing it think it's a good idea. One campaign book that has already bitten the dust is right-wing radio host Hugh Hewitt's How Sarah Palin Won the Election ... and Saved America, which the literary agent Curtis Yates sent to publishers in New York last week.

When Media Mob reached Mr. Yates by phone on Monday, he'd already given up on trying to sell the book.

"The idea was to tell the story behind the effect that Sarah Palin has had on this election and how it is and why it is that she has basically turned the election around for McCain and why it is that she is resonating with so many people in the country," he said. "The intent was to finish the book by a week after the election, and to have it out before the inauguration."

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Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Win, Lose or Draw: Political Comics and Campaign '08 (Publishers Weekly)

By Evie Nagy
Publishers Weekly
10/13/2008 3:44:00 PM

The 2008 presidential campaign has been historic and gripping in a multitude of ways, and with the fast approach of Election Day, politics are seeping into many corners of popular culture. Comics are no exception, and while political themes in comics are nothing new, a number of publishers and creators have developed projects tied directly to this election season. Benefits for the comics industry include the publicity and sales that come from tapping into current widespread interest in the campaign—but the new batch of politically minded projects also demonstrates the various ways that the medium of comics can uniquely contribute to the political discourse.

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Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Missed It: Savage Dragon Endorses Barack Obama (Publishers Weekly)

"Within the comics right now, the character Savage Dragon is not the most popular guy on the planet," he says. "So if it turns out that the unthinkable happens and McCain gets in the White House, of course it will be Dragon’s fault entirely. And if Obama wins, it will be 'whew, I thought for sure this was going to do him in.' "
Erik Larsen, creator of Image Comics' "The Savage Dragon," commenting on his potential culpability in the 2008 presidential election. Click HERE to Keep reading!

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Monday, October 20, 2008

Palin As President-Get the Picture?

John McCain and Sarah PalinImage by earthpro via Flickr
Check out PalinAsPresident.US for a look at the most excellent legacy John McCain plans to leave the United States if elected. Lets of "Easter Eggs" in the phot and it updates daily through the election!

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Sunday, October 19, 2008

SNL: Sarah Palin Rap by Amy Poehler

Saturday Night LiveImage via Wikipedia

In case you missed it, here is Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin's appearance on Saturday Night Live's "Weekend Update" on Oct. 18, 2008. Gotta give her credit for showing up; might just be her last hurrah.

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RoboCain '08 (DailyMotion)

Uploaded by PoliticalFX

You can find lots of funny political videos at's
new sub-category, Politics Schmolitics.

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Bruce Springsteen, Billy Joel and Barack Obama (Rolling Stone)

PHILADELPHIA - OCTOBER 4:  Musician Bruce Spri...Image by Getty Images via Daylife
“I just told Michelle backstage that the reason I’m running for president is because I can’t be Bruce Springsteen.”
Barack Obama at a concert featuring a superband led by Bruce Springsteen and Billy Joel and members of both of their bands. Read more about it at
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10,000 McCainiacs (The Daily Show)

Jon Stewart examines how John McCain and Sarah Palin stirred up irrational and exuberant fear among the Republican faithful.

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