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Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Esquire Writer On Newt Gingrich: ‘It Was The Racism That Threw Me’ (Mediaite)

WASHINGTON - AUGUST 13:  Former Republican Spe...Newt Gingrich, image by Getty Images via @daylife
by Colby Hall | 9:42 am, August 11th, 2010

Yesterday Esquire released a rather explosive 8,000 word essay about former Clinton-era Speaker of the House and presumptive GOP Presidentail Candidate Newt Gingrich. The epic expose is sure to make a lot of news, and become an ongoing factor in Gingrich’s political future, because the writer chose a very interesting method of getting to know the candidate: by interviewing his ex-wife Marianne Gingrich. In a follow up blog post, writer John H. Richardson revealed his motivation behind the interview: his racist comments.

In a separate blog post entitled “Why Marianne Gingrich Told Me About a Vulnerable Newt,” Richardson opened:
It was the racism that threw me. As a reporter, I’ve always believed that everyone has some kind of inner coherence. No matter how inexplicable their behavior may be, there is always logic somewhere.
This proved true with a multitude of subjects, from murderers to movie stars. Until Newt Gingrich.
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