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Thursday, October 2, 2008

Jeremy Redleaf, JUNEAU Sarah Palin parody movie director: Mr. Media Interview

Apparently there is a big national election campaign underway in the United States featuring an old man, a black man, a bald man and a woman who shoots moose.

Who knew?

Anyway, amidst all the noise for John McCain and Sarah Palin, Barack Obama and Joe Biden, Jeremy Redleaf has created a short, musical film parody called Juneau. It sounds just like that other movie of the same name with a different spelling. And instead of a pregnant teen named "Juno," it revolves around a pregnant teen named "Bristol."

You can watch the movie here. Then come back and listen to the interview below!

You can LISTEN to this Mr. Media interview with filmmaker JEREMY REDLEAF of the short film JUNEAU by clicking the audio player below!

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