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Sunday, October 31, 2010

Meet the Guy Who Told the World About Christine O’Donnell’s Pubes (New York Magazine)

Who knew? Turns out the Tea Party was just ano...Christine O'Donnell, image by Felix_Nine via FlickrIt takes an unheard of amount of skill scumminess to unite all factions of the Internet behind Christine O'Donnell, someone the Internet usually enjoys mocking to no end. But according to the Smoking Gun, Dustin Dominiak is the guy who, with an anonymous Gawker essay that revealed information about O'Donnell's lady parts, was able to do it. They tracked him down through his former roommate, Brad Kurisko, a Boy Scouts of America employee whose uniform Dominiak was wearing for Halloween in the photos that ran with the Gawker story. They couldn't get Kurisko to tell them who "Anonymous" was, but soon enough, Kurisko and "Anonymous" gave it away by accident.

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