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Wednesday, July 13, 2011

All Six Fake Democrats Lose in Wisconsin Primary Recall Elections ( Ed Show)

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Why Obama Wants You to Eat Your Peas (Esquire)

President Barack Obama confers with Federal Re...Barack Obama and Ben Bernanke, image via WikipediaMr. Media® Radio NetworkEmailTwitterFacebookLinkedInYouTube

By Elizabeth Gunnison
July 12, 2011  

It's been a big couple of days for the pea people. That's because at a White House press conference on Monday, President Obama name-checked the little green vegetables in the course of discussing negotiations about how to solve the nation's debt crisis:

"It's not going to get easier. It's going to get harder. So we might as well do it now: pull off the Band-Aid, eat our peas. Now is the time to do it. If not now, when?"

The pea industry is, naturally, aflutter.

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Monday, July 11, 2011

Slave reference scrubbed from marriage vow signed by Bachmann, Santorum (New York Post)

BachmannofficialphotoMichele Bachmann, image via WikipediaMr. Media® Radio NetworkEmailTwitterFacebookLinkedInYouTube

July 10, 2011

WASHINGTON -- A socially conservative Iowa group apologized Saturday evening for a controversial reference to slavery in a "marriage vow" signed by presidential candidates Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.) and Rick Santorum, Politico reported.

The marriage vow, which was created by the Pleasant Hill, Iowa-based group The Family Leader, calls on signers to swear fidelity to his or her spouse and also oppose "any redefinition" of marriage, including same-sex marriages.

The original vow also included a controversial passage in its preamble suggesting that black children born into slavery had a more stable family life than African-American children today.

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Palin Plots Her Next Move (Newsweek)

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Sen. McConnell: Making Obama A One-Term President Is My Single Most Important Political Goal (Mediaite/Fox News Sunday)

Mitch McConnellMitch McConnell, image by Gage Skidmore via FlickrMr. Media® Radio NetworkEmailTwitterFacebookLinkedInYouTube

by Matt Schneider
July 10th, 2011

Although Republican Senator Mitch McConnell was slightly unsure whether any of his Republicans colleagues seriously don’t want to raise the debt ceiling, he was on much firmer ground regarding his own future political goals. On Fox News Sunday, Bret Baier asked him if he stands by his previous statement that “the single most important thing we want to achieve is for President Obama to be a one-term President.” McConnell confirmed that his goal remains unchanged.

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Tim Pawlenty: Bachmann’s ‘Record Of Accomplishment In Congress Is Non-Existent’ (Mediaite/Meet the Press)

Minnesota Governor, Tim Pawlenty at the Govern...Tim Pawlenty, image via WikipediaMr. Media® Radio NetworkEmailTwitterFacebookLinkedInYouTube

by Matt Schneider
July 10th, 2011

Republican presidential candidate Tim Pawlenty is eager to add some excitement back to his campaign, and this morning on Meet the Press he may have found just the ticket: going on the attack. In Pawlenty’s crosshairs was fellow presidential candidate Michele Bachmann who Pawlenty dismissed as having no successes in Congress that would make her more worthy than him of being elected President.

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(Thought from the Peanut Gallery: If Pawlenty wants to be really brave, why not say stuff like this on Fox News? Probably for the same reason he wouldn't say "Obamneycare" in front of Mitt Romney.)

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