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Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Rand Paul Accused Of Hypocrisy For Accepting Medicare Payments (Mediaite)

Rand Paul portrait by Gage SkidmoreRand Paul, image via Wikipedia
by Jon Bershad
June 16th, 2010

Get ready for the second round of “Meet Rand Paul” on the cable news shows. Just a few weeks after the Kentucky Senatorial candidate was accused of being too Libertarian after criticizing the Civil Rights Act, his opponent, Jack Conway, is now claiming he’s not Libertarian enough. The charge? Paul, who strongly opposes government handouts, receives a large amount of Medicare and Medicaid payments from his ophthalmology practice. These are pretty damning accusations. If there’s anything in politics that’s worse than being called a racist, it’s being called a hypocrite.

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Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Dennis Miller on Oil Spill, Sarah Palin's Unwanted Neighbor (Fox News)

Interview by Bill O'Reilly
The O'Reilly Factor
June 3, 2010

This is a RUSH transcript from "The O'Reilly Factor," June 2, 2010. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.
Watch "The O'Reilly Factor" weeknights at 8 p.m. and 11 p.m. ET!
BILL O'REILLY, HOST: In the "Miller Time" segment tonight: Dennis is worked up about three things, so let's get right to the D-man, who joins us from Los Angeles.
All right. Oil spill, and you know, where you live off the coast of Santa Barbara, you've got the big oil derricks out there going up and down and this and that. So what's your take on this whole deal?
Click here to watch Miller Time!
DENNIS MILLER, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: Well, I find NIMBY-ism unbecoming, so I'm glad the oil well's there. We've got to get power from somewhere, and they light them up at Christmas so that it looks nice, so it's fine with me.
I think — I think what this comes down to is President Barack Obama seems to have a sign on his desk that says, "The buck starts here." And this is turning into a Benny Hill sketch, Bill, and I don't understand your reticence. I think you disparage him in an odd way when, for the first time in the history — and what have we had 44 presidents — he is going to be the one who doesn't get blamed for everything. Every president gets blamed for everything.
O'REILLY: I'm trying to be fair here. You know me.
MILLER: I guess, I guess. But it looks like you're contorting yourself, Billy. I don't think any of these...
O'REILLY: I'm not contorting. I'm not contorting.
MILLER: All right, fine. I'm just telling you my observation is presidents get blamed for stuff. And if this goes through August or Christmas, I bet you there will be a day somewhere in there where you'll start to get bugged by him a little.

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Monday, June 14, 2010

The Alvin Greene Interviews: A TPMtv Original Video (TalkingPointsMemo)

By Rachel Slajda
June 11, 2010

Over the past three days, one Alvin Greene from rural South Carolina has captured the popular imagination with his tale of coming from nowhere to capture 60 percent of the vote in the Democratic primary for U.S. Senate.

OK, 'popular imagination' may be going too far. But his story has captured our interest, and that of cable news, in a big way, a way that Greene himself probably wasn't prepared for.

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The Comedian as Politician, and Often Vice Versa (New York Times)

The New York Times
June 11, 2010

Bob Hope Collection, Library of Congress

WASHINGTON — “It’s great for a comedian to be honored in Washington,” Bob Hope said when he was celebrated at the Kennedy Center in 1985. “If there was ever a city that knew how to get laughs ... .”
“There are so many congressmen and senators here,” he added. “I don’t know whether to tell a joke or pass a bill.” Pause. “As if there was a difference.”

Or on another occasion: “The farmers hate to see it end,” he said, after the 1984 presidential election. “All those campaign speeches were good for the crops.”
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Michele Bachmann: Obama Is The Worst President In United States History (Mediaite)

President George W. Bush and President-elect B...The worst congressman in history says one of these two men is the worst U.S. President in history. Tough choice. image via Wikipedia
by Colby Hall
June 11th, 2010

Congresswoman Michele Bachmann (R – MN) recently recorded a interview with conservative radio host Ben Shapiro, and lashed into President Obama. The most noteworthy comments include calling his response to the BP oil spill “infantile,” claiming that Obama is siding with Islam against Israel and…wait for it: saying he’s the worst president in American history. Now that’s hyperbole!

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The Alvin Greene Mystery Theories, Explained (Mediaite)

Seal of the United States Senate.Image via Wikipedia
by Philip Bump
June 14th, 2010

One week ago, as candidates for office in California, Maine, Virginia and several other states were in the midst of a last-minute push to get voters to the polls, it’s safe to say that Alvin Greene wasn’t. The nominee of the South Carolina Democratic Party for the United States Senate says that he “worked hard” during his campaign – despite all evidence demonstrating the opposite. He won by 17 percentage points, took 42 of 46 counties, garnered over 100,000 votes. Yet no one has turned up a single TV ad, radio spot, piece of mail in which Mr. Greene presents himself to the voting public – just one lonely flyer in the possession of the candidate.

Even more bizarre are the circumstances under which Greene came to be on the ballot. An unemployed veteran, he showed up at Democratic party headquarters in the state’s capital holding a $10,440 check drawn from his personal account. When told that he needed to pay from a campaign account, he left, returning a few hours later with a new check, identified as being from “Alvin M. Greene for Senate” in his own handwriting. This from a man who, the Associated Press revealed, is being represented by a public defender on felony charges following an arrest last November.

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