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Thursday, June 9, 2011

We're so stupid in Texas

Pop art Portrait of Rick PerryImage via WikipediaMr. Media® Radio NetworkEmailTwitterFacebookLinkedInYouTube

I lose most sense of reason when it comes to writing about Rick Perry and his presidential aspirations. So I'm just going to defer to Harold Cook.

Cook is a clever and satirical political observer. But he makes a very logical case against Governor Good-Hair in the White House.

Unfortunately, we've made this penis with ears the longest-serving governor in our state's history. I blame the hayseeds in the rural parts of the state for that. Please Great Nation, don't make our mistake.

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Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Fox News Presents: Our Next President!

Sarah Palin at a campaign rally in Raleigh, NC.Image via WikipediaMr. Media® Radio NetworkEmailTwitterFacebookLinkedInYouTube

I'm finally starting to see what the conservatives see in Sarah Palin. To see the former Alaska governor in all her animated, Mama Bare glory, Click HERE!

I only hope this isn't another example of Fox confusing Sarah Palin and Tina Fey. (Or maybe I do!) -- A top o' the hat to!

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