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Friday, May 6, 2011

The Bin Laden Raid: Anatomy of a Sloppy Spin Job (

the CNN-Youtube Republican DebateImage via WikipediaEmailTwitterFacebookLinkedInYouTube

By Brent Lang & Dylan Stableford
May 5, 2011

The Bin Laden operation was a success. But the spin control has been a total muddle.

After intoning that the terrorist leader died in a “firefight” late Sunday, the White House has been forced to backtrack with an amended storyline that is less the stuff of myth and more the ugly truth.

"I don't see any evidence of a deliberate plan to mislead, but they should have maintained tighter controls of the message," Bill Schneider, CNN Senior Political Analyst, told TheWrap. "In this poisonous political atmosphere, both sides are always bound to see plots and conspiracies."

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Elisabeth Hasselbeck Writes Osama bin Laden Children's Poem Hollywood Reporter)

Elisabeth HasselbeckElisabeth Hasselbeck, image by JenniferHuber via FlickrEmailTwitterFacebookLinkedInYouTube

The View co-host Elisabeth Hasselbeck has written a children's poem about Osama Bin Laden. Hasselbeck says she put together the tome as a way of explaining who the late al- Qaeda leader was to her children.

The poem reads:

Osama Bin Laden was a very bad guy
He hurt many people, don't ask me why
We shot him in the head and now he is dead
Now close your eyes and go to bed

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Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Palin Thanks President On Bin Laden’s Death, But Doesn’t Mention Obama By Name (Mediaite)


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Trump Undecided About What Stupid Shit to Say Next (Borowitz Report)

Andy Borowitz before performance at Webster Ha...Andy Borowitz, image via WikipediaEmailTwitterFacebookLinkedInYouTube

by Andy Borowitz
May 2, 2011

NEW YORK (The Borowitz Report) – With the public’s attention focused on the death of Osama bin Laden, billionaire Donald Trump huddled with advisors for the second straight day to try to decide what stupid shit to say next.

“The bin Laden thing has definitely stolen the headlines from Donald,” said close associate and advisor Tracy Klugian.  “The only way he can grab them back is by doing what he does best: saying something really fucked up.”

Trump’s two-day hiatus from spewing messed up shit is the longest on record, experts say, adding to the pressure on the billionaire to break his silence with something truly craptastic.

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"OK, do ya like him now?" -- Artist Drew Friedman (Facebook posting)


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Obama's Donald Trump Jokes Helped by 'Daily Show' Writer (Hollywood Reporter)

WASHINGTON - MAY 9:  President Barack Obama jo...Image by Getty Images via @daylifeEmailTwitterFacebookLinkedInYouTube

President Obama has been praised for the jokes he made at Saturday's White House Correspondents Association dinner, during which he poked fun at Donald Trump and Matt Damon, among others.

It turns out that a writer on the Daily Show With Jon Stewart is one of those whom Obama should be thanking.

Kevin Bleyer was one of the writers who helped Obama with his jokes, Comedy Central confirmed to The Hollywood Reporter late Monday. Bleyer apparently took the job independent of Daily Show and was the show's only writer who had a hand in Obama's script.

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Osama Bin Laden's death is huge political victory for President Obama, and great moment for U.S. (New York Daily News)

MIAMI, FL - MAY 02:  Bob Kunst holds a sign th...Image by Getty Images via @daylifeEmailTwitterFacebookLinkedInYouTube
May 3rd 2011

WASHINGTON - President Obama didn't secure his reelection by taking out the No. 1 terrorist, but even Republicans admit he had a smashingly successful week of work.

First Donald Trump, then Osama Bin Laden.

Trump was a silly sideshow, a mere nuisance.

Eliminating the worst evildoer on the planet, mastermind of the twin towers horror, is one of those accomplishments so resounding on its face that Obama and his political handlers have no need to gloat.

It's more than just a singular achievement in the decade-long war against the scourge of terrorism. It's a psychological victory for a country in desperate need of good news.

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Monday, May 2, 2011

Obama's Balancing Act: Slay W.H. Correspondents, Then Osama (

NEW YORK, NY - MAY 01: Thousands of people cel...Image by Getty Images via @daylifeEmailTwitterFacebookLinkedInYouTube

By Tim Molloy
May 2, 2011
President Obama performed an astonishingly difficult balancing act between the release of his birth certificate and his announcement of Osama bin Laden's death -- and pulled it off dazzlingly.

Wednesday, he made light of claims that he was born outside the country and gently chastised his critics to grow up. Friday, he authorized the attack that killed the country's most hated enemy since Hitler. Saturday, he honed his comic delivery to slay the audience at the White House Correspondents Dinner. Sunday, he announced bin Laden's death, in a pitch-perfect speech he wrote himself.

You usually need to look to comic books to find someone moving so skillfully between roles: Bruce Wayne donning a tuxedo to charm Gotham society one night, Batman capturing his arch-enemy the next. It's the kind of thing that doesn't happen in real life.

But it did.

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Donald Trump Calls Seth Meyers a 'Stutterer' After White House Correspondents Dinner (Hollywood Reporter)

Seth MeyersSeth Myers, image via WikipediaEmailTwitterFacebookLinkedInYouTube

Donald Trump has broken his silence on the skewering he received from President Obama and Seth Meyers at Saturday night's White House Correspondents Dinner.

New York Magazine
reports that Trump -- who sat stone-faced throughout the crowd's raucous laughter over attacks on his hair, credentials and accent -- had little to say immediately following the event.

When asked if he had enjoyed the jokes, he replied shortly, "Not really. Some were fun, but not the greatest."

Speaking to "Fox and Friends" the morning after the gala, however, the Republican presidential candidate hopeful fought back against the blitz that had left him at a loss for words the night before.

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2012 Election Cancelled; Obama Buoyed by 100 Percent Approval Rating (Borowitz Report)

WASHINGTON - NOVEMBER 2:  In this photo provid...Barack Obama, image by Getty Images via @daylifeEmailTwitterFacebookLinkedInYouTube

WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report) – In what historians are calling an unprecedented development in American politics, both major parties decided today to cancel the 2012 election.

The decision to scrap the 2012 contest came on the heels of a new poll showing President Barack Obama with an approval rating of one hundred percent, believed to be a record high for an American president.

Mr. Obama even polled well among Republicans, with a majority of GOP voters agreeing with the statement, “I no longer care that he wasn’t born here.”

The new bipartisan spirit sweeping the nation was captured well by House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio), who tearfully told reporters, “This is a great day for America… oh, leave me alone, goddamn it.”

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ABC News: Watch Osama Bin Laden Firefight and Mansion Tour


Sunday, May 1, 2011

Seth Myers On MTP: Trump Running For President Is Excellent For SNL, Not Good For Anyone Else (Mediaite)

The Saturday Night Live title card as featured...Image via WikipediaEmailTwitterFacebookLinkedInYouTube

by Matt Schneider
May 1st, 2011

The star of the White House Correspondents’ Dinner, Saturday Night Live comedian Seth Myers, taped an appearance on Meet the Press where he explained to David Gregory what his preparation for the big comedic speech entailed. Myers joked that sometimes it might be hard to find comedic material, but when Donald Trump is in the news, he “brings it with a bow on it and leaves it at the front door.”

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Revenge! Barack Obama Thumps Trump at White House Correspondents Dinner (

Donald Trump in February 2009Donald Trump, image via WikipediaEmailTwitterFacebookLinkedInYouTube

By Dylan Stableford
April 30, 2011

Donald Trump heard some boos when he arrived on red carpet at the White House Correspondents’ Association Dinner on Saturday -- but that was nothing compared to what he faced inside the ballroom at the Washington Hilton.

Barack Obama got his revenge on Trump and the birther movement during his speech, skewering the reality star and would-be opponent in 2012 with jokes aimed directly at the absurdness of the birther issue and, more specifically, Trump's candidacy.

Opening with a video montage set to the Hulk Hogan theme “Real American,” Obama began his speech saying, “My fellow Americans” (emphasis his).

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