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Wednesday, May 18, 2011

If Only it Were a Very Bad Joke (Back To Basics)

"The Honorable Rick Perry (front right), ...Image via Wikipedia

The Back To Basics blog caused me to vomit in my mouth just a little bit this morning. Not only did they raise the same ugly specter about Gov. Good Hair that I did yesterday. They included actual facts about the kind of stuff he's tried to ram down the throats of the good citizens of Texas. It's the kind of stuff William Barret Travis, Jim Bowie and Davy Crockett would never stand for. But the majority of the voters in the state keep lifting their coattails and saying, "Thank you sir, may I have another!"

Click HERE to become violently ill!

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Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Newt Gingrich’s Wife Dropped Between a Quarter and a Half Million Dollars at Tiffany & Co. (New York Magazine)

WASHINGTON - DECEMBER 06:  Former Republican S...Image by Getty Images via @daylifeEmailTwitterFacebookLinkedInYouTube


Politico and the rest of the mini-scoop-driven Internet is currently freaking out because, at one point, Callista Gingrich, wife of Newt, reported between $250,000 and $500,000 in a "revolving charge account" owed to the high-end jeweler Tiffany & Co. (In financial disclosure forms, "revolving charge accounts" are basically "credit cards.") The debt was reported in 2007 when she filed forms covering 2005 and 2006 as part of her job at the House Agriculture Committee, and she listed it as her husband's responsibility. Since she shortly thereafter dropped out of public service, and Newt hasn't been in Congress since 1999, we don't know whether the debt has been paid off. (They're a relatively wealthy family that presumably employs financial advisers, or at least listens to Suze Orman, so it's not too much of a leap to guess it has been.) The last time they reported their net worth, back around the same time, it was between $1 and $2.5 million. So, basically, at some point, it looks like they spent ten percent of their net worth on jewels.

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Gov. Good Hair isn't entirely FED up

Pop art Portrait of Rick PerryImage via WikipediaEmailTwitterFacebookLinkedInYouTube

I grew up a very proud Texan. One set of grandparents fled the persecution of the Mexican Revolution, while another left Tennessee for greener grasses (or cotton fields). Eventually I sprouted, and I have always been proud of my state, until now.

First we unleash the unholy hell that was Dubya. Now Gov. Good Hair is giving thought to a presidential run. What is it about the White House that attracts the over-coiffed?

This once solidly democratic state is getting back at all the Yellow Dogs who gerrymandered the GOP into also-ran status for decades. We are reaping what we have sown, in spades. And it is permeating beyond the state's borders.

Democrats are hopeful that the booming Hispanic population could result in a Democratic revival. But more than likely, the Latino vote is being taken for granted.

Just know, I'm sorry. It's not my fault. I did all I could. I'm only one voter. Trust me, if there were anything I could do that wasn't illegal, I'd do it.

Hopefully the GOP's parade of clowns will continue, and maybe we can keep Hope alive.

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How Drudge Has Stayed on Top (New York Times)

The competing logos of the Drudge Report and t...Image via WikipediaEmailTwitterFacebookLinkedInYouTube

Published: May 15, 2011

For most big news Web sites, about 60 percent of the traffic is homegrown, people who come directly to the site by dint of a bookmark or typing in or The other critical 40 percent comes by referrals, the links that are the source of drive-by traffic, new readers and heat-seekers on a particular story.

By far, most of the traffic from links comes from the sprawling hybrid of Google search and news, which provides about 30 percent of the visits to news sites, according to a report released last week by the Project for Excellence in Journalism, part of the Pew Research Center. And the second? Has to be Facebook, right? Nope. Then Twitter must be the next in line. Except it isn’t.

Give up? It’s The Drudge Report, a 14-year-old site — a relic by Web standards — conceived and operated by Matt Drudge.

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Santorum: What does McCain know about torture? (

United States Senator Rick Santorum, sponsor o...Rick Santorum, image via WikipediaEmailTwitterFacebookLinkedInYouTube

By Justin Elliott
May 17, 2011

John McCain has been on something of a crusade this week on the question of how we found Osama bin Laden, giving speeches and writing Op-Eds outlining his position that it was not torture of detainees that led the U.S. to its man.

Now comes presidential candidate and "enhanced interrogation" supporter Rick Santorum arguing on Hugh Hewitt's radio show that McCain simply "doesn’t understand how enhanced interrogation works." Yes, he's talking about the same John McCain who, in his five and a half years as a prisoner of war in North Vietnam, was interrogated during a program of beatings and torture.

Here's Santorum:

HH: Now your former colleague, John McCain, said look, there’s no record, there’s no evidence here that these methods actually led to the capture or the killing of bin Laden. Do you disagree with that? Or do you think he’s got an argument?

RS: I don’t, everything I’ve read shows that we would not have gotten this information as to who this man was if it had not been gotten information from people who were subject to enhanced interrogation. And so this idea that we didn’t ask that question while Khalid Sheikh Mohammed was being waterboarded, he doesn’t understand how enhanced interrogation works. I mean, you break somebody, and after they’re broken, they become cooperative. And that’s when we got this information.

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Monday, May 16, 2011

Ron Paul compares Social Security and Medicare to slavery (


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VIDEO: Ted Nugent & Mike Huckabee playing Cat Scratch Fever


Okay -- everybody who knows what this song is about, please raise your hand... And if you have any doubt, order the live version -- recorded in London a few decades ago -- from the Cat Scratch Fever album. No one Huckabee announced, a few minutes after playing this, that he wasn't running for president. I'm sure he knew... Pretty funny. Not a big fan of Nugent's politics, but I  love "Fever" and "Wango Tango."

(Nugent was good fun on Howard Stern this morning, too.)

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Chris Matthews Wonders Just How Bad Is GOP’s Field Of Flawed Presidential Candidates? (Mediaite)
