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Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Gov. Good Hair isn't entirely FED up

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I grew up a very proud Texan. One set of grandparents fled the persecution of the Mexican Revolution, while another left Tennessee for greener grasses (or cotton fields). Eventually I sprouted, and I have always been proud of my state, until now.

First we unleash the unholy hell that was Dubya. Now Gov. Good Hair is giving thought to a presidential run. What is it about the White House that attracts the over-coiffed?

This once solidly democratic state is getting back at all the Yellow Dogs who gerrymandered the GOP into also-ran status for decades. We are reaping what we have sown, in spades. And it is permeating beyond the state's borders.

Democrats are hopeful that the booming Hispanic population could result in a Democratic revival. But more than likely, the Latino vote is being taken for granted.

Just know, I'm sorry. It's not my fault. I did all I could. I'm only one voter. Trust me, if there were anything I could do that wasn't illegal, I'd do it.

Hopefully the GOP's parade of clowns will continue, and maybe we can keep Hope alive.

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