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Saturday, May 22, 2010

CNN’s Erick Erickson: Rand Paul Is What Happens When “Joe The Butcher” Runs For Office (Mediaite)

by Frances Martel
May 22nd, 2010

The fallout from Rand Paul’s Civil Rights Act PR disaster keeps pouring down the cable news wires, and conservative pundits are being asked to explain what was going through Paul’s mind during that fateful interview with Rachel Maddow. Yesterday, Rick Sanchez asked editor and CNN contributor Erick Erickson that very question, and Erickson remixed a 2008 meme to explain why people like Paul say the darnedest things: that’s what you get when Joe the Butcher runs for office.

Sanchez noted that the mainstream Republican Party had been relatively mum on the matter, and asked Erickson what that was all about. On the one hand, Erickson noted, there are many Republicans that don’t support him and never did. On the other hand, he continued, some Republicans “just don’t want to keep the story perpetuating when they feel it shouldn’t be a story.”

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VIDEO: Jonathan Alter on WYNC Radio

Monday, May 17, 2010

Sarah Palin Tackles The Immigration Debate: ‘We’re All Arizonans Now’ (Mediaite)

Left to right: Todd Palin, Sarah Palin, Cindy ...Image via Wikipedia
by Glynnis MacNicol
May 16th, 2010

Is there anybody alive on the planet better at whipping up catchy political slogans than Sarah Palin? The woman is really unmatched in her ability to sum up national issues in one line or less. Today’s contribution to the political conversation comes, as per usual, via her Facebook page. It is about the Arizona Immigration law, and while she makes no direct mention of it I imagine she was re-inspired to weigh in on the controversy after a national poll revealed that almost 75% of the country supports the law

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Sarah Palin, BP oil leak take hits at President Obama's approval rating (New York Daily News)

Barack Obama speaking at a campaign rally in A...Image via Wikipedia
Mike Lupica By Mike Lupica
New York Daily News
Monday, May 17th 2010,
There was Sarah Palin yammering on about immigration, one more thing in her limited world view that is all Barack Obama's fault.

Sitting next to her was the governor of Arizona, Jan Brewer. The picture of the two of them was more than somewhat frightening, like a political experiment gone horribly wrong.

Obama is moving up on 500 days in office now. Palin and the army of the right come at him harder than ever. Occasionally he leans back on the ropes and makes it easy, as he has with a response to the oil-rig disaster in the Gulf of Mexico that has been no response at all.

The President looks like one more finger-pointer on this, and less than stellar, having recently signed off on more offshore drilling himself.

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Sunday, May 16, 2010

Peggy Noonan Calls John McCain’s ‘Dang Fence’ Commercial ‘Desperate’ (Mediaite)

John McCain presidential campaign, 2008Image via Wikipedia
(Editor's Note: Peggy Noonan is the patron saint of this site; she is the reason we exist!)

The Meet the Press roundtable has some not-so-pleasant things to say about John McCain and his latest “complete the dang fence” campaign commercial.

Said panelist Peggy Noonan after viewing the video: “Yes, oh dang was the worst part. I don’t know its impact, it seems desperate.”

Responded Newsweek’s Jonathan Alter, who just published his own book on the 2008 election: “You have to round up and deport his principles in this race? It’s just kind of a sad thing.”



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