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Monday, January 11, 2010

Does the National Enquirer Deserve a Pulitzer for Breaking the John Edwards Scandal? (Politics Daily)

Elizabeth and John Edwards_by The Tonight Show.John and Elizabeth Edwards on "The Tonight Show with Jay Leno," image via Wikipedia
By Emily Miller
The National Enquirer is a supermarket tabloid, but the time has come for the media elite to admit that it has an excellent investigative reporting team, which broke the biggest political scandal of 2009, the John Edwards affair.

While its own editor concedes that the paper would never be given a Pulitzer Prize -- the jury is dominated by the newspaper establishment -- I believe the time has come for us to recognize the Enquirer's political investigative reporting.

Though I don't know the other nominees for the 2009 investigative category (the deadline isn't until February), and I'm sure there are many worthy entries, it's clear to me that the Enquirer deserves consideration for what remains the highest honor in American journalism.

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