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Thursday, August 25, 2011

In Campaign Events, Bachmann Controls Image (New York Times)

BachmannofficialphotoMichele Bachmann, image via WikipediaMr. Media® Radio NetworkEmailTwitterFacebookLinkedInYouTube

August 24, 2011 

MYRTLE BEACH, S.C. — As Representative Michele Bachmann’s blue bus pulled up to a recent rally here, a campaign aide shooed a reporter poised to ask a question from the spot where she would step down. “Our arrivals are closed,” he said.  
After her speech under a scorching sun, Mrs. Bachmann popped back into the bus to freshen up before meeting reporters and their high-definition cameras, looking as pulled-together as if she had visited a day spa. 

All presidential candidates try to control their image. But the campaign of Mrs. Bachmann, the winner of the Iowa straw poll this month who is now battling to be seen as a national front-runner, is more controlling than most, carefully stage-managing her contacts with the news media and the public.

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