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Wednesday, June 2, 2010

McGinniss is just doing his job, Sarah (Worcester Telegram)

Sarah Palin's signature.Image via Wikipedia
Dianne Williamson

If you listen to Sarah Palin and her somewhat hysterical supporters, you'd think her new neighbor was armed with a pistol instead of a pen.

On Fox News, the pundits have dubbed author Joe McGinniss a stalker, a creep and a threat to Sarah's family. An apoplectic Glenn Beck has called for a boycott of McGinniss' publishing house. And the spinmeister herself, never missing the chance to play victim, once again frames the issue as an unfair attack on her children:

“People have said already, oh, the guy, he has his freedoms too, and he can live wherever he wants to,” Sarah said. “Well, of course he can, and he can do what he wants to do. However, I think any mom, in my position, if they put themselves in my shoes, that they would feel the same way. You do your thing, you keep your distance, and you better leave my kids alone.”

Of course, there's no indication that McGinniss has any designs on Sarah's precious and politically expedient children. But he is writing a book about their mother. And when an opportunity fell in his lap to rent the house next door to his subject, he took it. He's a reporter. He goes where the story is. But I trust he has no interest in catching Sarah mowing the lawn in her underwear.

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