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Monday, February 8, 2010

Mike Lupica: Tea Party favorite Sarah Palin has delusions of grandeur if she thinks she can be President (New York Daily News)

Transparentised version of :Image:Gluehlampe 0...Image via Wikipedia
February 8th 2010
Now Sarah Palin comes right out and says it, that she really is thinking about running for President in 2012. She says it in the same starry-eyed way kids talk about growing up to be astronauts, but actually seems to believe it, that somehow she can go from being this kind of pinup girl for her Tea Party friends to the White House.

"I think it would be absurd to not consider what it is that I can potentially do to help our country," Palin told Chris Wallace on "Fox News Sunday."

Now there are many, many ways Sarah Palin could help this country. Running for President will never be one of them. You listen to her long enough and actually feel yourself getting dimmer by the minute, like a dying light bulb.
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